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Does Your Website Fuel Your Sales Pipeline?

Does Your Website Fuel Your Sales Pipeline?

We all know that it is almost impossible for businesses to succeed without having an attractive, functional, and mobile-optimized website. But, is your website living up to its potential? Does your website fuel your sales pipeline?

Today we’re going to speak about the marketing/sales/operations business model known as InBound and at its heart is an amazing website, with great content.

ContentPlus published that blogs give websites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. Indexed pages and indexed links translate into higher rankings with the search engines, and that means more website traffic to your site.

The Philosophy Of Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing strategies fill your sales pipeline by creating content that brings attention to your products or services and generates interest in your brand. To do this, inbound marketing experts rely on the flywheel strategy.

Working on the principle that your customer’s success is your success, the business model focuses on transforming strangers who know nothing about your brand into loyal advocates. It involves three key components, attract, engage, and delight, that revolve around the focal point of all your marketing strategies—the customer!


Content creation and development are crucial to attracting the interest of your target audience. You need to present yourself as a trusted expert in your industry to gain the attention of customers who are actively looking for your products or services.

Establish buyer personas and direct your resources towards understanding why or how they look up information online. This will help you design content that specifically addresses your target audience’s problems, encouraging them to stay longer on your website.

In addition, you also need to update your SEO strategy. 82% of all smartphone users conduct “near me” searches. If you don’t show up on these searches, your prospects will never know you exist. So are you attracting? Does your website fuel your sales pipeline?


Your website design and user experience play a major role in holding the interest of visitors. If your website is hard to navigate or if your content is not well-organized, they will just lose interest and leave. Always follow the 3 clicks rule when building your website. If users find the information they need from your website in under 3 clicks, your website is good to go.

Enrich your website with a mix of short-form and long-form content, including blogs and testimonials to showcase your expertise and trustworthiness. Additionally, informative and in-depth content pieces of over 2000 words are more likely to be bookmarked, which significantly improves your SEO score and increases the chance of visitors coming back to your website.


Delighting strategies focus on ensuring customers feel happy, satisfied, and supported throughout their journey with your brand and long after they’ve made a purchase.

Make it easy for customers to reach you and request help by incorporating well-timed chatbots. Also, use surveys and feedback forms to encourage customers to leave reviews and keep your brand fresh in their minds.

Social media listening is another great way to design effect delighting strategies. Pay attention and respond to what customers have to say about your brand. This not only shows them you care about their opinions but also allows you to improve your service and win their trust.

If you need help building websites and creating content that generates valuable leads and increases your revenue, get in touch with The Best Media today! Click here to get your free consultation.

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