Instead of using hyperlinked text for your links, use phrases. There is no maximum allowable length of link text. However, link text that is too long is user-unfriendly for screen reader users. Remember that blind users must listen to the entire text. The link needs to be long enough to convey the purpose while being concise. Short, concise links are less likely to frustrate screen reader users.
Links should never be left empty. They should always contains text or images with alternative text.
Here are some guidelines on how to make web-based audio and video content AODA accessible:
Every nook and cranny of your website is simple to access and use.
All fonts, images, and colours on your website are easy to see and read.
All video and audio files can be heard loud and clear, and contain a subtitles options.
The zoom capabilities are working properly.
Assistive devices render your website properly.
All content across your individual site pages flows together cohesively.
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